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Financial Status – April 2008

A lot has changed since my previous posting on this topic. I have reached my short-term goal of paying off my car (made the last payment on April 2). I’ve also increased my 401k contribution from 2% to 3% to take full advantage of my companies matching program.

So, how did things look last month?
401k: +25%
Roth IRA: +50%
Brokerage: +8%
Savings: +7%

Also not noted above, is the fact that my liabilities had an overall decrease of 17%. This was primarily due to me paying off the Xb and only in small part to a larger student loan payment. Next month, the decrease won’t be nearly as impressive, but it should be more than the usual clip of the last several months.

So, how has my net worth been affected by all of this? Well, it has increased by 1128%! I’m now back in the black. Hooray!

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