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The Ghost Fleet

One of the most searched terms for my website is “Ghost Fleet”, so I thought I’d take some time to post some actual information about the real Ghost Fleet as opposed to just my story by the same title.

The Ghost Fleet is a fleet of transportation rigs (tractor trailers) operated by a public company in cooperation with the United States government.  It’s primary purpose is to transport unknown items to various locations across the U.S. without the general public being able to distinguish them from the other tractors on the road.  Most of the trucks are equipped with GPS units and remote control mechanisms.

These remote control mechanisms allow for dispatch to shutdown a truck should it be hijacked or taken off course by the driver.  The drivers are also monitored and are required to report in during specified intervals or…have their rig remotely shutdown.

Obviously, some very important equipment gets transported by the Ghost Fleet.  I’ve read from various sources that specialized aircraft equipment has been transported this way.  But, it would definitely be interesting to see what else is on the roads with us.  How comfortable would you be knowing that the big rig going down the road beside you was caring the next generation of military weapons?

One of the things I also found interesting was that the company that runs these trucks has a separate department specifically for the Ghost Fleet.  Nobody outside of this department has any clue where the tractors within the fleet are.

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  • Dave


    Author Reply

    Good info!!!! =)

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